New and Upcoming at LawIQ

Published 1 Dec, 2017

Our team  strives to continuously add capability to our products and services. This process is informed by feedback from our customer base. This quarter, we are proud to announce several additional features and data analytics to bolster the value of our oil & gas platform  for our customers, which span the entire energy value chain. *Stay tuned for our Power Product update.*

  • Top 5 customer research requests
  • New Features - Basin Search, Point data
  • Data - Gas commodity usage rates, Liquids trunkline quarterly movement

Select Customer Special Requests

  1. Tax policy assessment - federal corporate rates, MLP tax allowance
  2. Precedent agreement terms and conditions
  3. DOE grid resiliency NOPR impact on gas markets
  4. Project development cost simulation modeling, with supporting data
  5. Liquids pipeline project regulatory and litigation risk analysis

Platform Updates

Intrastate Lines - Basin Search

Easily navigate to all major systems serving the hottest basins and plays. Then export shipper, rate, flow and other contract data to track trends into or out of processing facilities or interconnects. Or aggregate all assets to see constraints and pricing opportunities.

Use Case 1: Crude producer assessing future ability to move associated gas out of a potentially constrained basin. Complemented by estimated development timelines from LawIQ project new build forecasts.

Use Case 2: Gas pipeline commercial analyst looking to spot growth opportunities in growing or shrinking basins.


From the Intrastate Pipeline search bar, enter the name of the basin to quickly filter assets. Then click "Export" to view a repository of data for each asset, including point data, shippers, rates, and flow volumes.

Interstate Lines - Receipts & Delivery Point Volumes

Compare the detailed activity (transportation and storage) for individual contracts, or export an entire pipeline to sort by individual points.

Use Case 1: Commodity Marketing Team searching expiring contracts to assess which geographic zones have opportunities for new capacity availability.

Use Case 2: Pipeline Commercial Team looking to specific hub and pooling points to use in conjunction with contract roll-offs on competing assets for the purpose of identifying business development  targets.


From the Interstate Pipeline page, click the "All" tab to see all contracts, then either select individual contracts via checkboxes and "Actions" link to View Detail Records, or Export All Records to export all contracts and their point records for filtering and sorting as needed.

New Data Analytics

Interstate Gas Pipes - Commodity Usage Rates
In addition to negotiated firm transportation rates and other tariff details, our data now includes commodity charges for use in fundamental cash flow analysis.
Oil - Quarterly Trunkline Traffic
No need to dive into the filings. See oil and liquids seasonal trends rather than year-to-year changes in throughput.

Upcoming Releases - Q1 2018

Here are a few things we are working on for early next year:

  • Customize alerting on major regulatory events by company (gas and liquids) in addition to current option of alerting by event category across all dockets. 
  • Alerting on various financial filings for natural gas and liquids operating assets. 
  • Expanded project database - Captures dockets at pre-filing  

Have questions about the new features? Want to make suggestions?  Email