Oil & Gas: New Features, Unmatched Insights

Published 31 May, 2017

The LawIQ team continues to increase the capability of our products and services, a process informed by continuous feedback from our innovative customer base, in order to increase the value offered to you. We are proud to announce a major new functionality rollout - dynamic predictive forecasts for major pipeline projects - plus additional data availability (quarterly interstate pipeline financials), which is now available in our web-based platform. And, intrastate pipeline fundamental data will also soon be available on our web-based platform.

Dynamic Project Event Forecasts

One of LawIQ's most popular and valuable tools is our proprietary machine-learning dynamic model, which is now available directly via our web-based platform, with the forecasts updated weekly. See the past and current forecasts for the four major project milestones (Environmental Review, Certificate Approval, Construction Start, In Service), complete with event dates and probability distributions. Also available are real-time updates to prospective and approved state and federal permit schedules, as well as a brief contextual summary of key events impacting our forecast. From the project Profile page, click the "Forecast" tab to see regularly updated information for the latest developments on market-moving projects.


Quarterly Pipeline Financial and Operations Data

In addition to annual financial performance, we've integrated up-to-date, quarterly interstate pipeline financial data, available to view or export in the same easy-to-use and consume  interface that our customers have come to appreciate. Looking to spot trends? We've included two years of quarterly financial data. With this new feature, LawIQ now provides a full complement of asset-level financial statements for both natural gas and liquids interstate pipelines for customers seeking to model future cash flows. On the Financial Natural Gas Pipeline page, click the "Financial Filings" hyperlinks to see two years of historical information, or to export to Excel. 

Coming Soon - Intrastate Pipeline Shipper Data

As discussed in a recent customer note, State Regulation - The New Arbiter of Pipeline Market Development, the intrastate pipeline network is an informational blind spot for customers regarding the movement of commodities, and the equities involved in transporting molecules. We plan to release to select customers data relating to over 100 intrastate pipeline assets that fills in a large portion of this information gap. Our data and analytics coverage includes pipeline owners, shippers, type of service, point data, contract rates, and throughput, organized by state (e.g., Texas, Pennsylvania, Illinois), company and shipper. Looking for a sample of the data? Just let us know.

Coming Soon - Electric Power Product

We're set to release the first version of our electric power product in the coming months. If you're interested in learning more about the product, including how it could influence your decision making, let us know and we can hop on a call to walk you through the mock platform. 

Have questions about the new features? Want to make suggestions? Email support@lawiq.com.